I've talked with a lot of y'all since July. And you have not held back about what's on your mind. So, let’s talk about that for a moment.
Like all communities, I know that Mount Gilead faces its share of obstacles and challenges. And I’ll be honest with you, many of those issues won't be solved overnight. Anyone running for office who says complex issues are actually simple and quick to solve is not being honest with themselves or their community. But with focus and dedication, I believe we can start to address these challenges and steer our community towards prosperity. It's our duty to safeguard Mount Gilead’s future, and I'm ready to guide us on that journey. With your support in November, I believe that we can make a real difference. You are going to see more of me around town, I've already been helping at the school and the food bank, cheering on our children and handing out food to our under-served neighbors... but I know I can do more. I am here to find solutions if we just look for them. They might not be simple answers, but I am here to work.
So let's talk challenges. We've seen turnover in town managers and employees, which can impact long-term planning and stability. Budgetary constraints have hampered projects and strained essential services. We need united leadership to maintain our community's rich culture. I believe I can unite us.
Mount Gilead isn't immune to the nationwide opium crisis, an issue close to my heart. Addiction strains our healthcare system, inflates crime rates, and rips families apart. Coupled with poverty, we witness rising homelessness and challenges in education and health. Crimes, from vandalism to shootings, shake our sense of security and deter potential residents. I believe I can bring back a feeling of safety.
Another issue we face is divisiveness. Gossip and online rants foster distrust, making community cooperation difficult. We're better than this. I believe I can bring us together.
But challenges present opportunities. We can enhance employee retention, apply for town-specific grants, and ensure our expenditures reflect community needs. Increasing the amount of customers we serve with our water treatment plant by encouraging sustainable new developments can bring in extra income. Tackling the opium issue requires healthcare partnerships and education. The broader challenges of poverty and addiction can be addressed through collaborations with organizations and skill-building initiatives. I need your support to drive change and uplift Mount Gilead.
Crimes disrupt the community fabric. Initiatives like Neighborhood Watch programs can foster community unity and safety. We must support our youth, providing them opportunities for growth. Our police force, led by Chief Talmedge, needs our backing to serve effectively. I believe I can help.
Tackling divisiveness requires community dialogues, fostering respect, and championing positive news-sharing platforms. Facebook posts aren't policy declarations, and Town Hall should be a place of constructive conversation, not hostility. I believe in us.
Investing in leadership training and clear communication can pave our way forward. Transparency in governance fortifies trust and ensures our leaders are held accountable. I am committed to openness and accountability.
Mount Gilead's challenges are many, but so are our solutions. Together, with leaders, community members, and partners, we can shape a brighter future. Mount Gilead is more than its challenges; it's our unwavering spirit and unity. Let's work together for the future we envision. I hope I can earn your vote in November. I hope I can earn your trust.